Charge the GST/HST - How to charge GST/HST
How to charge GST/HST
Do you supply a taxable product or service within your own province or territory? If so, you charge the current GST/HST rate for your province or territory. However, if you supply a taxable product outside your province or territory, you must determine which rate to charge.
If you are unsure if your product or service is taxable, exempt, or zero-rated, consult Type of supply.
Which GST/HST rate to charge
The rate you charge on taxable products or services depends on 2 factors:
1. Where the supply is made
In provinces where you have to charge the GST and the provincial sales tax (PST), calculate the GST on the price excluding the PST. If you are supplying a product or service to:
- customers outside your province or territory, see Place of supply rules
- customers outside Canada, see GST/HST - Import and exports
2. Who the supply is made to
You charge the GST/HST on taxable products or services (other than zero-rated supplies) to almost everyone.
Even though certain organizations may be able to claim rebates, they always have to pay the applicable GST/HST on their purchases.
Find more information for:
Certain people may not always have to pay the GST/HST to a supplier. For more information, see:
- GST/HST and indigenous peoples for Indians purchasing products and services on a reserve and Indian bands and band-empowered entities
- GST/HST and information for governments and diplomats for provincial governments of Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan and Yukon (including their departments, ministries, Crown corporations, boards, commissions, and agencies)
Current rates
The current rates (as of October 1, 2016) are the following:
- 5% in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon
- 13 % in Ontario
- 15% in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island
How to calculate the GST/HST
In most cases you can use the GST/HST calculator to calculate the GST/HST. There are some special cases where the GST/HST is applied differently, for example coupons, gift certificates, deposits, etc.
Special cases