What's new for payroll
What's happening in payroll
For a list of upcoming payroll events, visit our new Upcoming events and products page.
To keep up to date with tax changes, you can also subscribe to a Canada Revenue Agency electronic mailing list.
Payroll podcast
Learn more about the some of the upcoming changes to the CPP and how they will affect employers in general by listening to the payroll podcast called Canada Pension Plan Enhancement - Introduction.
Guides T4032 and T4008
The January 1, 2018, version of Guide T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables, and Guide T4008, Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables, is now available on the CRA website.
Guide T4127
The January 1, 2018, version of Guide T4127, Payroll Deductions Formulas, is now available on the CRA website.